DoD Contractors Low Cost SPRS Package, DoDAM, POAM, SSP

May 16, 2024
12:00 PM PDT

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Webinar May 16 12PM PDT

If you have a DoD contract you have FCI, and need to meet 17 existing requirements for FAR 21.204-21. In one week, for $595 we can help you create policies and procedures, and all of the documents needed to file on SPRS. Next step is CUI, (Controlled Unclassified Information) we can provide more policies and procedures and help you achieve a higher DoDAM score. Finally CMMC will come into effect in 2025 and we can add these policies.

We will demonstrate how the Jumpstart and ACRMS programs deliver a cost effective ($595) and simple process for completing a Basic Assessment and posting on SPRS.

The Presenters will be Jack Kolk, CISSP and CSSLP, President of ACR2 Solutions and Jack Anderson, CMO of Compliance Helper Jack Kolk has more than 25 years of executive management experience in technical sales, product marketing and management in technology companies. He holds CISSP and CSSLP certifications and is a regular speaker on issues regarding privacy, security and how to meet regulatory compliance requirements.

Jack Anderson is a pioneer in Software as a Service in healthcare and transitioned to compliance and accreditation in 2001. He was a founder of Accreditation Helper and Compliance Helper in 2007.

There will be a Q&A session at the end of formal presentations.

Jack Anderson CMO

866-984-3573 ext 709